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6 Golden Rules to Build an Effective Autumn Skin Care Routine

6 Golden Rules to Build an Effective Autumn Skin Care Routine

Dermatologists and cosmetologists call fall the season of beauty, and we couldn't agree more. Plus, during the off-season, your skin's condition necessarily undergoes changes. You've probably already noticed that it has become drier or, on the contrary, that an oily sheen and rashes have appeared. This is due to the cold wind and dry air in the rooms, which we have stopped airing out as temperatures drop. That is why, in the autumn, it is critical to switch up your beauty routine and stock up on new skin care products.

Human skin is always in need of care, especially during the transition fromwarm to cool pores. With the end of summer, it is essential to start a good autumn skin care routine. You need to take care of the recovery and, with the arrival of wind and other harsh factors, choose ways to protect against further damage. Other issues arise. Skin care in autumn is fundamentally different from the complex of activities carried out in summer. It is necessary to review the cosmetics on the dressing table and select target products, taking into account individual characteristics and weather conditions. 

1. Change the cleanser. 

Autumn Skin Care Routine - Change Cleanser

The first key step to establishing an effective autumn skin care routine is to change your cleanser. This task can be easily accomplished with a well-chosen foam, gel, scrub, etc. However, with the onset of cold weather, you should not use a cleanser that was relevant in the summer. Fall facials involve the use of gentler formulas. There is no need to use harsh toners and alcoholic lotions, as you don't have to deal with an oily complexion. In autumn, the activity of sebaceous glands is significantly reduced, so there is no need to dry the skin. 

For cleaning the face during the cold season, cosmetologists recommend using light cream formulas. Product descriptions indicate for which skin type they are designed.

Women with a problem of hypersensitivity or excessive dryness of the skin can get products with natural oils in the fall. These components effectively remove pollution, do not cause flaking, and provide adequate protection. Fall skin care eliminates the use of harsh formulations in the early stages. It is preferable to use products with a gentle and delicate action.

Alcohol-based toners and light lotions that are used to fight the greasy glow of summer are a no-go. Instead, opt for softer, creamier cleansers that won't dry out your skin. Light foam or hydrophilic oil adapted for washing and milk for make-up removal. The peeling (enzymatic only) for the face must now be regular: once a week for normal skin, twice a week for oily skin, and once every two weeks for dry skin. It will help exfoliate dead skin cells to prevent the appearance of skin breakouts. 

2. Include acids in your autumn skin care routine. 

Autumn Skin Care Routine - Use acides

You can incorporate brightening products into your autumn skin care routine to remove the age spots caused by tanning and spending a lot of time outdoors. Similarly, fall is the time to tackle facial rejuvenation with acid peels and creams. But if your skin is sensitive, only a cosmetologist can choose the right acids, let alone a professional peel. 

At the middle or end of September, when the tan becomes less visible, it is time to choose a product with a lightening effect. It will even out skin color and remove age spots, if any. If fall facials include active acids, we recommend choosing creams or serums containing:

  • Retinol;
  • Hydroquinone;
  • ANA and BHA ;
  • Gluconolactone, etc. 

For each skin type, certain acids are recommended. It is best to use them in the fall, but in the summer they often become the cause of age spots. Apply the acids when the tan has almost disappeared. 

Important: the stronger the action of the active components, the later the intervention should be performed. The effect on a tanned face will be the opposite. There is a high probability of spots and unhealthy color.

3. Moisturize your skin regularly.

Autumn Skin Care Routine - Moisturize your skin

Summer moisturizer isn't enough for you anymore. 
You've probably already noticed. It's best to opt for oilier textures and use facial masks twice a week—homemade or professional. Hyaluronic acid must be present in the composition of "commercial" products. It will moisturize the deep layers of the skin and relieve feelings of dryness and tightness. 

An autumn skin care routine is all about products designed to prevent dryness and flakiness of the skin. You don't have to go without a moisturizer, but rather a range of products. A deep mask several times a week will prevent dryness. If there is no negative reaction to natural ingredients, you can prepare the product yourself. Moisturizing gives care in the fall with the use of:

  • Coconut oil;
  • Homemade sour cream ;
  • Honey;
  • Oatmeal.

Cosmetologists recommend a hyaluronic acid cream or serum for women over the age of 30-35 to restore the pH balance. 

4. Introduce nourishing creams into your autumn skin care routine.

Autumn Skin Care Routine - Use Nouroshing Ceams

Summer skincare products are lightweight and quick to penetrate. In autumn, when they will not face the task of nutrition and hydration, you should choose analogues with a dense texture. These products are more effective and also create a protective barrier against aggressive environmental factors. Women with combination, normal, or oily skin will need it in mid-October, those with sensitive and dry skin already in late September. In addition to the cream, cosmetologists recommend applying an emulsion or an active serum. 

A moisturizing cream with a dense texture is sufficient. And if you add a nourishing cream, your skin will thank you! There's nothing wrong with using special serums designed to solve a specific skin problem. However, only an esthetician can determine which one is best for you. 

5. Protect the capillaries.

Autumn Skin Care Routine - Prevent and treat capillaries

With the cold weather usually comes the problem of dilated capillaries. This usually manifests itself as a red blotch or asterisk on the face. This defect often appears in autumn and winter, but its appearance can be avoided with special care. 

If you encounter this phenomenon year after year, then we recommend that you get a protective cream (also called cold cream), which is included in the autumn care:

  • Protective cream "winter".
  • Special remedy for rosacea.
  • Massage course for the neck and collar area.

Pay attention to the funds marked "for rosacea". They will help you get rid of pink cheeks. 

The last complex is aimed at preventing blood stagnation and normalizing lymphatic flow. If the problem of capillary dilation is worrying you year after year, you should contact a specialist. He will prescribe you medication to strengthen the vascular network. Food supplements with horse chestnut extract do this job well. 

6. Don't forget to take care of your skin from the inside out. 

Autumn Skin Care Routine - Balanced diet

The skin is an indicator of our nutrition, of what the body is missing. Sometimes all you need to do is revise your diet and add vitamins to get a healthy complexion. It is not necessary to treat yourself; the best thing is to first do a test for vitamins and trace elements. Taking supplements and complexes of useful substances at will is a mistake. The results of the tests will reflect the real state of the body. It is on their basis that you either choose funds or adjust the diet. 

When developing an effective autumn skin care routine, you need to consider that humidity, temperature, and air do not just change on the street. The microclimate in the room becomes different. Heaters dry out the air a lot, which is reflected on the skin. We recommend you choose facial products that prevent dehydration. The simplest "harmless" remedy is thermal water. 

Tip: You can normalize the microclimate of the room by preventing dehumidification with a humidifier. This device does not take up much space. There are positions for all budgets.

Natural Receipts

Blog specializing in sharing thoughts based on personal experiences. I strive to provide accurate information and sound recommendations, but please keep in mind that I am not a beauty expert or health specialist.

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