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6 various dermatological diseases that often appear or worsen in summer

6 various dermatological diseases that often appear or worsen in summer

In summer, with the heat, various dermatological diseases appear or worsen. Who among us has not experienced irritation, skin redness, incomprehensible skin rashes or allergic reactions to plants or insect bites in summer ? In this article, we will discuss the most common "summer" skin problems.

During the warm months, new pathogenic factors appear in our lives: heat and, therefore, increased sweating; active solar radiation; sudden changes in temperature from hot to cool; and a large number of plants and insects with which we come into daily contact. And all this can lead to certain problems that appear on our skin.

Majorca acne

6 various dermatological diseases that often appear or worsen in summer

Majorca acne is sometimes called "summer acne". The hot days cause an increase in sweating. The sun dries the skin and, as a result, the sebaceous glands become clogged, which causes acne. Cosmetic products that clog the skin can also be a factor in causing these breakouts.

Most often, the breakouts are on the chest and between the shoulder blades. There are many sebaceous glands in these areas, and sweat is concentrated there.

Bacterial infections

6 various dermatological diseases that often appear or worsen in summer

In the context of excessive sweating, streptococcal and staphylococcal infections can occur.

Streptococci and staphylococci are bacteria that cause the development of many diseases, not only dermatological. Streptococcal and staphylococcal infections are very diverse; they can be cutaneous, respiratory, digestive, genital, etc. Diseases caused by bacterial infections are usually serious and can lead to complications.

Staphylococcus infection is transmitted by various means: food, contact, aerosol, airborne dust. To prevent the spread of bacteria, it is important to maintain personal hygiene, wash hands, food, dishes, and children's toys thoroughly, and wet clean the room regularly.

Staphylococci can persist for a long time in the food environment. Animal products are at risk of infection (animals also suffer from staphylococcal infection): in unboiled milk, non-fried meat, hard-boiled eggs, in fermented dairy products, in ice cream, in confectionery.

Often, the presence of a staphylococcal or streptococcal infection can be judged by the presence of skin lesions. A bacterial infection can cause boils, phlegmons, abscesses, sycosis (inflammation of the hair follicles), pyoderma (purulent skin lesions), a burn-like skin syndrome, etc. A streptococcal infection can cause erysipelas, which is characterized by severe itching. It is important to understand that these infections are not a cure for strep throat.

It is important to understand that these infections do not only affect the skin and can have a variety of other symptoms.

Simplex Herpes

6 various dermatological diseases that often appear or worsen in summer

Changes in temperature, such as going into an air-conditioned room because of the heat, or sitting in a cool car or bus, can lead to an exacerbation of herpes, whether it is simple herpes or shingles.

Herpes is a highly contagious, viral disease that manifests itself as small, painful blisters on the skin. The herpes virus can live in the body for years and manifests itself through decreased immunity, hypothermia, and stress. There is simple herpes and shingles.

The simple one is localized on the lips and on the genitals. It can go further and cause inflammation of the oral mucosa—stomatitis, which in turn can turn into a herpetic sore throat.

Shingles is a relative of chickenpox. This disease is caused by the same virus. That is, after a person has had chickenpox, a virus can hide in the body, and in such a "sleep" mode, the virus can exist in the body for decades! It manifests at the time of weakening of the immune system, stress, overwork, etc. And shingles can lead to an extremely unpleasant and painful condition called herpetic neuralgia, a very painful condition.

Post-traumatic microbial eczema

6 various dermatological diseases that often appear or worsen in summer

This disease can develop in the context of insect bites, mosquito bites, gnat bites, cuts, abrasions, leg irritations, sunburns, and other skin lesions that are so common in summer. The individual reaction of the skin to the lesions, especially in the context of reduced immunity or hereditary predisposition, or metabolic failure, etc., can lead to microbial eczema.

Contact Dermatitis

6 various dermatological diseases that often appear or worsen in summer

Contact dermatitis is a general term for dermatological conditions resulting from direct exposure of the skin to irritating chemicals. There are three types of this condition:

Simple contact dermatitis, which develops as a result of skin exposure to chemical irritants (acids, alkalis),

Allergic contact dermatitis can be caused by contact with metals, latex, dyes, plants, cosmetics, medicinal ointments, and sunscreens.

Phototoxic contact dermatitis is an individual's reaction to ultraviolet light, also called sun allergy.

Contact dermatitis develops exclusively on the area of the skin that has been in contact with the allergen. Symptoms may not appear immediately, but several days after exposure.

Diaper rash

6 various dermatological diseases that often appear or worsen in summer

This is a superficial inflammatory lesion of the skin that usually develops in the skin folds on adjacent surfaces. Most often, this disease occurs in children. The main causes of the development of the disease are excessive sweating, fungal and streptococcal infections, and metabolic disorders.

If you suspect any of the above diseases, don't delay in contacting a dermatologist! Most diseases, although seemingly harmless, do not go away on their own and can either progress to a chronic form or cause the development of more serious conditions. Modern medicine can diagnose the disease quickly and, in a short time, help you get rid of it.

Natural Receipts

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