Skin Cares

Skin & Care


Essential skin care habits for healthy and glowing skin

A 2019 report from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) reveals that Americans spent more than $16.5 billion on cosmetic plastic surgery and minimally invasive procedures in 2018.

Other statistics released in 2019 by the same organization reveal that baby-boomers are particularly interested in cosmetic procedures that allow them to show their best faces, with approximately 50,000 more procedures performed on those 55 and older between 2018 and 2017.

These surgical and cosmetic procedures most often involve the introduction of chemicals into the skin, which can have long-term effects on the health and elasticity of the skin.

Essential skin care habits for healthy and glowing skin

The good news is that anyone, at any age, can protect and repair their skin by incorporating new and inexpensive skincare habits into their daily routine. Let's look at some of the most effective procedures for enhancing your youthful look.

Periodic treatments

In addition to the morning and evening routines, the skin should receive periodic treatment in the form of special treatments that are recommended at least once a week, as needed.

Exfoliation: a deep cleansing treatment that exfoliates the skin's surface, leaving it smooth, supple, and radiant. The exfoliating action removes dead skin cells and stimulates the natural regeneration process of the stratum corneum. The use of this product requires particular attention when choosing a product adapted to your skin type. For particularly sensitive and difficult skin types, a very gentle scrub with low exfoliating power is recommended, as severe redness, flaking, and micro-laceration are possible. Choose a scrub with medium or high exfoliating power for a more effective action on more resistant and less sensitive skin.

Essential skin care habits for healthy and glowing skin

Peeling: a product with a liquid consistency similar to a gel, uses a chemical action that acts more deeply and stimulates cell regeneration. Specifically, the peel removes the surface layer of dead skin, making the regenerated skin smoother and reducing age spots, wrinkles, and blemishes. Although not very painful, the peel can cause burning, redness, irritation, and peeling, which disappear quickly. It is ideal for removing acne scars, fine lines, sun spots, and sagging skin. The peel is not recommended for people with infections, inflammatory skin diseases, damaged skin, sunburn or herpes. It is also contraindicated for pregnant women and in cases of psoriasis, eczema, and dermatitis.

Essential skin care habits for healthy and glowing skin

Facial masks: cosmetic products used to counter certain affections or defects in the skin of the face. Facial masks are specially designed to restore the hydrolipidic balance and physiological pH of the skin, thus protecting sensitive skin from the elements. Regular, weekly use of facial masks gives the skin a youthful, fresh look, making it radiant and elastic. Facial masks are extremely valuable, both for their pronounced intensive effect and for their quick action. The perfect face mask must meet certain basic requirements:

  • Deeply moisturize and soften dry skin damaged by the inevitable process of time;
  • Protect the skin from external influences;
  • Give elasticity to the facial skin;
  • Deeply cleanse the skin;
  • Stimulate the microcirculation of the skin;
  • Promote the penetration of the functional active ingredients contained in the mask;
  • Give the skin the splendor of youth.

Essential skin care habits for healthy and glowing skin

Healthy skin is more than just creams and sunscreens. Much of your skin's health starts on the inside. Studies have shown that a healthy lifestyle can promote healthy skin. That's why you should consider a comprehensive wellness strategy.

A complete wellness strategy.

In order to achieve what is known as "perfect skin", that is to say, clean, smooth, and radiant skin, the treatments we have just mentioned are not enough. Healthy habits and a balanced lifestyle are essential. We recommend the following strategies:

Steam baths: a technique that dilates the pores of the skin when exposed to steam; this helps eliminate microorganisms and excess sebum.

Essential skin care habits for healthy and glowing skin

Diet: A balanced diet has a positive effect on the appearance of the skin. The vitamins contained in fruits and vegetables are the best allies of the skin and give it a healthy and radiant appearance. A diet rich in foods that are difficult to digest, such as fried foods or foods rich in salt, contributes to dehydration and water retention in the skin. That's why it's advisable to drink at least 2 liters of water a day, as it helps us eliminate water retention and toxins. Finally, it is best to avoid sweets and alcoholic drinks in your diet.

Essential skin care habits for healthy and glowing skin

Natural extracts: there are several natural remedies that can be used to fight skin blemishes. For example:

  • Chamomile: has soothing, anti-inflammatory, and anti-edema properties;
  • Centella asiatica: widely known for its stimulating properties that improve skin microcirculation as well as for its anti-wrinkle properties;
  • Eggplant: a plant that can counteract capillary fragility while having a soothing effect;
  • Cucumber: well known for its refreshing, hydrating, and anti-inflammatory properties;
  • Vitamin C: found mainly in citrus fruits, broccoli, kiwi, grape juice, and berries, it is a major protector of microcirculation (it strengthens capillary walls).
Essential skin care habits for healthy and glowing skin

Basic rules for perfect skin.

If you want to have and maintain healthy skin, all you need to do is follow these rules:

  • Use gentle cleansers according to your skin type;
  • Remove your makeup completely before going to bed;
  • Cleanse your skin in the morning and apply a toner;
  • Apply a face cream in combination with a moisturizing serum according to the formulas adapted to your skin type and time of day;
  • Exfoliate once a week to remove dead skin cells and stimulate the formation of younger cells;
  • Apply a cleansing and moisturizing face mask at least twice a week.

Essential skin care habits for healthy and glowing skin

To conclude on a positive note, keep in mind that it is never too late to start practicing healthy habits that will help you feel your best. The habits and practices outlined in this article can help you attain healthier skin and a stronger attitude regardless of your age. Start right away; you won't be disappointed.

Natural Receipts

Blog specializing in sharing thoughts based on personal experiences. I strive to provide accurate information and sound recommendations, but please keep in mind that I am not a beauty expert or health specialist.

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